Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Stem Cell Legislation

Gardiner, Harris. "Court Lets U.S. Resume Paying for Embryo Study." The New York Times.
            The New York Times Company, 29 April 2011. Web. 11 October 2011.

In "Court Lets U.S. Resume Paying for Embryo Study," author Harris Gardiner elaborates on the battle that is being waged between stem cell research supporters and naysayers. He provides many details on the most recent court debates concerning the many controversies stem cell research entails.

Gardiner's intended audience was most likely people who already understand the fundamentals of stem cell research and have formed an opinion on it. Without any background knowledge on stem cell research it would be difficult to follow this article. His intent is to tell these people exactly how the national government is dealing with this "issue."

Last August, a court made the decision that the Obama administration's support of stem cell research was illegal because of a law that bans spending federal money on research that destroys human embryos. This is the Dickey-Wicker law I read about in my other blog article. This ruling, made by Chief Judge Lamberth of the Federal District Court, disappointed many people because it halted research that could have led to treatments for many diseases.

Just recently, a higher court appealed this decision. Stem cell research can once again be funded by federal monies, which allows many families to hope once more. There are many different sides to this controversey, and the article shows the viewpoints of scientists and court members from both.

This article is not biased. It includes the views and the support of both people who support and people who do not support stem cell research. It simply tells the story and allows the reader to make their own judgments.

This article could greatly help me in writing my research paper. It is very detailed and makes it easy to understand how stem cell research has become a national concern. It also shows the differing viewpoints of many people. It also demonstrates that stem cell research is a growing, current concern. I will definitely be able to use this information to support my paper.


  1. Stem cell research is an awesome topic to write about due to that fact their are so many controversies over it. I had no idea there was a law passed to stop the funding of stem cell research. That would be a great piece of information to include in your paper. For your next article you could look up the different types of diseases stem cell research helps to cure, unless you have already done so. I've always been interested in learning more about stem cell research because I have very little knowledge on the topic.

  2. I don't know very much about stem cell research but this seems like it would be a good article to help you with your paper. I agree with Megan, you should research an article that explains what stem cell research helps...unless that is already in your other article..

  3. Along with Emily, I dont know much about stem cell research as well. Not knowing about your previous articles, maybe look up the history of the research. I also think it would be intersting if you found specifc stories about patients journeys with stem cell research whether its positive or negative.
